in many others,

although in the interpretation cr this principle

there may De differences of emphasis.

as the cistinguished repre-

sentative of the Vnited Kingdom has so shrewdly remarked, problems
eannot always be solved immediately with the ideal sclution - the
ideal must, however,

never be lost siert


Practice must,


course, take cognizance of, and make allowance for, the tarticular
circumstances obtaining at any time.

and I need not remind men-

bers that conditions in western Sanoa are unique.
Especiaily welcome are the

the necessity to establish
ities in the Territory.

comments that have been made on

suitable and efficient local authoras the Council knows,

this matter is re-

coiving the energetic attention of the Territorial Government and
of the recently establishea Tistrict and Village Government Board.

with regard to recent developments in the judicial field, I
should like once again to assure the aistinguished representative
of China that,

in fact, the judiciary in its exercise of judicial

funetions in the Territory is,

at all levels,

ent ef any Governmental influence.

completely independ-

This is true even in those in-

creasingly rar2 cases where an administrative officer may sit as

a Commissioner in the Eign Court.

with the increasea training

and supervision by the High Court given to Jistrict Judges, it
will soon be possible to tuild up a more efficient system of lower
courts as has long been contemplated.

This step will be an in-

portant one in the progress of \.estern Samoa.


The comments made concerning the Development Flan and the
way in which the administering authority has approached the pro-

blem of ensuring that the Sarioan people are fully aware of the
contents of the rl n have been very interesting even if they have
not always deen unanimous.

They will all receive the earnest

consideration of the .dministering suthority and will be brought

to the notice cf the people of the Territory.
with regard to economic matters, the administering authority
finds itself in complete agreement with the comments made in this
Council to the effect that in this vital field lie scme of the



difficult problems which the Samoans and their Trustees will


It also realizes that the urgency ef the danger must be
/ drought


Select target paragraph3