
The accumulated dose equivalent of radiation to the thyroid,

other organs,


tissues, and organ system will not exceed--


5 rems in any calendar quarter, nor


15 rems in any 1 calendar year,

Individual(s} under 18 years of age,

females known to be

pregnant, and occasionally exposed individual(s) will not be exposed

to a whole-body dose equivalent of more than-~

(4) and


2 millirems in any 1 hour, nor


100 millirems in any 7 consecutive days nor


500 millirems in any 1 calendar year,


nor more than 10 percent of the values in (2),


(5), above, for other areas of the body.
Individuals over 18 years of age, but who have not yet reached

their 1°th birthcay, may be occupationally exposed to jonizing radiation provided that they do not exceed 1.25 rems dose equivalent to the
whole-body in any calendar quarter, nor 3 rers in the 12 consecutive
months prior to their 19th birthday.


Permissible Contamination Levels


‘Less than 40 pCi @u)/g (AEC Task Group)


Debris, vehicles and other equipment released after any


Transuranic alpha emitters--less than 20 dpm/100 em2
(NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86)


Beta/Gamma emitters--less than 0.1

mrad/hr at’ 1 ecm

(ERDA Property Management Instruction 109-45 and
NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86)

of 3

Select target paragraph3