
Project Manager.

COMPMTC was designate@


Manager for the subject survey in CNO msg 01l0007Z APR 78
and will continue in this capacity through projéct completion,
coordinating and providing, on behalf of DON, a]jl logistics
support required by DOE for the accomplishment

£f survey



Aerial Photographic Task Element.


@fficer in

Charge of the EC-121 aircraft detachment will ré@port for
operational control directly to the Project Mandger for the
conduct of Phase I of the survey, and will function as the

primary point of contact for the DOE Technical


having technical direction responsibilities for[the conduct
of Phase I of the survey.

Aerial Radiological Task Element.

This|Task Element

will accomplish Phase II of the survey utilizing


(TAGM-8), assigned helicopters and associated s€pport perscennel
and equipment.

Logistics Support Task Commander.

Embarked in

USNS WHEELING (TAGM-8) will be a Logistics Suppg@rt Task Cen-

mander (LSTC) who will function as the primary

point of contact

for the DOE representative exercising technical]direction reszrn
Sibility for the conduct of Phase IIT of the surfey.

The uST?

will have overall operational control and managg@ment reszen-

sibility for DON provided logistics support.

DE represencatz.:

will channel survey logistic's support requiremg@nts throwch ine
LSTC who will then-coordinate the mutual efforts of the

Select target paragraph3