
The Northern Marshall Island Survey will be conducted in two


' phasee--the photographic survey and the Aerial Radiological § rvey.
The Navy Project Manager for coordination and execution af no

responsibf{lities for rendering logistics support to this surv y ia
commander, Pacific Missile Test Center, Pt. Magu, California.

The photographic survey of eleven (11) atolle and two (2) isl ads
will be accomplished utilizing a Department of Navy EC-121 at craft.
The platform has been specifically configured to receive DOE- rovided

high resolution and infra-red capable cameras, plus additional
paripheral support equipment.
The aircraft will be based out of Kwajalein and will be requi red
to fly 10-12 hours a day for approximately 21 days.

This ine ludes

contingenctes for weather and aircraft down tima.

Utilizing data gathered from the foregoing photographic surver,

an Aerial Radiological Survey will be conducted of the same a tolie

and islands by means of two SH=-3G helicopters equipped with D DE
provided radiation detection and recording instrumentation.


helicopters will normally operate from the USNS WEEELING, a bse
support ship which will, in addition, provide a wide range of logistie
support for the terrestrial and Marine Frograms.

Select target paragraph3