TERRESTRIAL PROGRAM MININU OPTION The Terrestrial Program involves going onto the inzlands wittio backhoe and sampling the available terrestrial food products, soil, and existing water cisterns and skimning wells. a burface Transpartation of personnel to the islands will be by helicopter when the whaler cannot be used, On larger islands, a jeep will be necessary relocate gear, water barrel® ana personnel. Transporting the from ship to island and from teland te island will have to be Beep becom Plishod using the helicopter. On tne average, 35 surface soil samples and 50 veqetation samnfies . to . 137 90 will be collected at each atoll, requiring analysis for Cs, Sr, and the transuranics of approximately 1,100 samples. Tne assumption that there will be three well sites or cisternsjon the inhabited atolls will require the analysis of an additional 21 Samples to determine the radionuclide concentrations in water. A total of seven personnel will be required to support this prbgram.