
Public Health
After considerable study and evaluation it has been determined that the

best plan for the Marshall Islands is to integrate the preventive aspects of

public health with that of the primary care workers.

An exca@ption to this

general policy might be to train a few graduate nurses in the sfecial program

offered by the School of Nursing of the University of the South Pacific at
Suva, Fiji as mentioned in the preceeding paragraph.
The Division of Public Health would be headed by an expatriate public
health professional who would have as his counterpart a medica]

officer with

public health training.

who would be

His staff would have seven specialist

medical assistants or graduate nurses who have received additional training
in public health.

The function of these persons would include

fhe following:

health education, maternal and child health, communicable disa@ases, chronic
diseases, environmental health, nutrition, mental health.


addition to

these specialists there would be two sanitarians and four secretaries.

Ancillary Medical Personnel
Ancillary medical







laboratory technicians,




respiratory therapists and nurse anesthestists have been discilssed in other
sections, primarily that of secondary care, as most of their] services are
needed in the hospitals.
The recommended numbers of such personne! are as followsk
X-ray technologist - 1 expatriate at Majuro
X-ray technicians - 2 at Majuro and 1 at Ebeye
X-ray technician assistants - 2 at Majuro and 1 at Ebey
Clinical Laboratory Technologists - 1 expatriate at Majuro and 1
expatriate at Ebeye

Clinical Laboratory Technologists - 2 nationals at Majurp

Clinical Laboratory Technicians - 5 at Majuro and 1 at Ebeye
Clinical Laboratory Assistant - 1 at Ebeye
Pharmacy Technicians - 2 at Majuro and 1 at Ebeye
Pharmacist Assistant - 2 at Majuro and 1 at Ebeye
Physical Therapist - 1 at Majuro
Physical Therapist Assistant - 1 at Majuro
Mental Health Counselor - 1 at Majuro and 1 at Ebeye
Hemodialysis-Nurse Technicians - 1 expatriate at Majuro and 3 nationals
at Majuro

Respiratory Therapist/Nurse Anesthetists - 2 at Majuro
Medical Records Supervisors - 1 at Majuro and 1 at Ebey


amd 1 at Ebeye

Select target paragraph3