

Patients must be moved from out islands to regionk? clinics and
hospitals at Ebeye or Majuro for both routine referral and fin emergencies.
Occasionally they must be transported to tertiary care centbrs outside the

Clinics must be resupplied.

Senior medical stafff

need to make

supervisory visits to the clinics and special task public health teams must
visit schools and communities.
and continuing education.

Personnel need to be rotate#

for vacations

Preventive maintenance visits tq

each facility

must be made on a regular schedule.
Present System
Government field ships visit the out islands on a semiregu ar schedule to
collect the copra crop.

On a space available basis, they provid

for health personnel and patients.

Visits to some islands are

nade no oftener

than every four months or even longer when equipment is not available or weather

With very few exceptions transport between islands of

by private boat or canoe.

Airstrips served by STOL aircraft of the

Islands are operational

dn atoll] must be
Airline of the

on Majuro, Ailinglapalap, Enéwetak, Likiep,

Mejit, Meloelap, Kwajalein, Ebon and Wotje.
is available by AMI from these islands.

In an emergency, priprity transport

Ships within MarshallesP

waters may be

diverted at a cost of $1200/day to transport critical patients] either to the
nearest airfield or hospital.

Transportation to tertiary c@re centers

available through Air Micronesia.

The present

intralagoon spstem


is being

expanded by the addition of government lagoon boats under the [control of the

and available for all

‘those of the health care system.

government transportation



Airstrips are scheduled for completion within

the next 24 months on all atolls with enough space.

These expagded facilities

will provide transportation most of the time for most of those n@eding it.

As far as possible, the

Health care system transportation

jal task teams

The Marshallese Gover

ent should be

filled by existing government field ships and airline.
may require



needs should be

encouraged to complete the planned airstrips and lagoon boat Systems as soon
as possible.

Select target paragraph3