
Imported canned foods are increasing in popularity]


of staple foods could be increased with increased motivation anf


extension education.

New vegetables could be produced with

the proper

inputs and an increase in the desire of the people for these pa#oducts.


potential of increasing food imports from the neighboring stafes of Ponape

and Kosrae should be studied rather than the present practice
food imports from the U.S.

qf increasing

The latter are more expensive, tle foods Jess

culturally desired, and less nutritious.

For example sweet pdatatoes, taro

and other more typical South Pacific fruits and vegetables couli
form Kosrae instead of rice and wheat from the U.S.

be imported

This prfactice would

also increase intraregional economic relationships and decr@ase economic
dependencies on the U.S.D.A.



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