



Memorandum to Files

QD Fede Gg


After returning from Ejit to the base island, we talked with

Mr. Neas regarding the possibility of the Trust Territory personnel making collections of water and coral from the various

atolls that they visit during the course of the year. They apparently plan to get around to these atolis about every three
months, The atolls that they visit include Ujelang, Eban,
Jaluit, Majuro, Mili, Maloelap, Wotje, Likiap, and Utirik.
There are other atolls that they also visit, but it would
appear that collections might advantageously be made from the
ones I have listed, It was agreed that we would write Mr. Neas,
sending a copy of our letter to the High Commissioner, indicating the atolls that we wish to have collections made from.

A supply of containers, 5 gallon and one gallon sizes, should |

be sent to Mr. Neas at Majuro.

These will have to be sent out

from the New York Operations Office,

We will also provide

Mr. Neas with more precise information on the collections we

have made and the frequency of collections, I doubt that it
would be deairable to make more than a single collection from
each atoll and probably repeat this about four or five months

These collections ean ba made at no direct expense to

the Commission;

I believe that these collections will be quite

valuable and that we may want to continue them periodically,
particularly in the event that there are future tests at the


Dr. Bugher






Form AEC-318(Rev.9-83) ~~ —

~ covenmmant puimting ormae



Select target paragraph3