Mr, Acly pointed out that since our administration of the Trust Territory
ie under the United Nations, our conduct of it must be brought before
the U.N, and it must, therefore, be defended periodically. He stated

that adverse world opinion with respect to testing would lead him to

believe that even our allies would have no hesitancy in criticizing our

adminietration of the Trust Territory if we choose to resume testing in
Re agrees that we will suffer some of thia criticism no
that area,
matter where we resume testing, but feels that the criticism will be mch >
more severe if the tests are at Bikini or Eniwetok. He based this judgment
on the fact that there is very strong feeling in the U.N. to rush to the
defense of dependent peoples,

Mr, Acly also pointed to the political problem that would be raised by
others accusing us that we would be carrying out activities in the Trust

Territory to the hazard of dependent people that we would not risk carrying out within the United States for fear of injury to our own people,

F stated that we have a long term interest in the strategic importance

of the Trust Territory and there is some possibility that our interests
in that area would be seriously hasmed if we are unable to maintain a
favorable attitude on the part of the Micronesians themselves.

Mr. Nucker pointed out, as an example, that we may have a very considerable problem in the U. N from the fact that we have had to relocate an
entire community of some 84 people because of the requirement for a
target impact area for the Pacific Missile Range.

[| te was the consensus of the group that we should look very carefully at

the possibility of using either Johnston Island or Christmas Island,

,and only move to use the Eniwetok Proving Ground if the factors discussed

above are outweighed by the considerations developed as a result of com-

paring the possibility of testing at the Proving Ground as against testing


of Energy
artment ©

maistorian’s Office

A. W. Betts
Brigadier General, USA
Director of Military Applicat ion


Select target paragraph3