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the:properties:of ne:

see"nowbexe else on‘es
ofmillions :.of atmospheres

second;(the:shake") are

DR Laineeae emIN oe ch naraemmerctanen mats pati, ee
“he ts

Set em ee AIRSRR orh 3 SMe Am aD ony “eRe at + rn
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oR VEREStUCeate TS pre
Tt sgptreop wreeastd ys, ow. Mae


bomb is to calculate, one


all the theoriste hed uade their:‘best caloula

guesses), theynodded visely“and*said itivilt'pr

Kilotons. But.it came‘outinegrer: 20. A?
most extensive calculation

only experiment can reallypayexactly ‘vat?ig“goingto sien

point the way

to real taprenanqate in sea mre

formilne cannot do.




The details of the LogAlamos end Liyernore,‘apertaen}y‘are’

technically so complicated thatlittle use would be servedby: describing

their intimte details. WNone‘of these particular’experinenta’'scores
of actual weapons although this is, of course, not: pecesparily yrue!of

the shots being conducted for other agencies. ‘ Moreover, all”of’ 7a
experiments’ have as primry odvjects additional:inforastion:(gene

wany sorts) related to the "prpcess which go ogvhenan:Thetis

explodes under one or anothag'type of nuclear‘systen,Wg
extremely detailed and complicated program of ‘experinental!opae
sesyations’ .
ts both fundamental and essegtial and the ectusl “bang” or‘yielao
explosion ig, in many cases, Of secondary interest or of diagnogtio® © '
interest in furnishing informstion as to what went on, and how, ’:

the chain reacting system.


The accompanying slide shows the list of bombs and the rather
affectionate names assigned to them, the agency responsible for"the
particular test, and the probable yield. This latter figure, ag.

indicated above, ie not of significance in itself in experigents,of'./ks

this sort, but is mentioned bere only to give same relativeidea’ of°how the size explosion which will be seen compares in appearance vith

the explosions from conventions] weapons in the stockpile. =. . .

To give some idea of what sorts of fields are: being explored. bys:

the IASL, the first and eighth shots, Annie ené Harry, are

explorations of the hydrodyngmics of the assemblyiof. fiseiouable


material und what goes on inthe very late stages‘of this sreeatly,

particularly if the initietion:‘of the chain mete”

Select target paragraph3