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the Bikini report, one having to do with conditions under which a

counter-attack could be ordered in advance of an actual military

attack on the United States, and the other having to do with a
reconstitution of the Atomic Energy Commission. JI would be glad

to discuss these two points at the Council meeting if this is

desirable, but they would properly be considered py the proposed
high level committee if this be established.


I wholly agree with Dr. Bush's suggestion thet our puolic and the

world be informed of our intantion to use atomic weapons against

military or war potential objectives in c2se we are forced into

war, it is technological supericrity of this type wnich is our
country's greatest possibility of military strength and is our
substitute for the far more burdensome and permenently destructive
policy of equivalent strength through very large armies and traditional weapons,
I elso concur with Dr, Bush that methods like chemical, biological,
and radiological warfare, which indiscriminately dustroy peoples,
and can cause suffering indirectly related to quick military objectives, should be edvertised only te the extent necessary to
assure the peopie that we are prepsred with defensive measures snd
are prepared to use them, if necessary, in retaliation, but that
the initiation oy their use in wor is not a factor in our war plans,


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