Section 1]

The sum of $4 million to be paid on the effective date of this



As compensation for use of lands on which the people of
the Marshall Islands have been resettled as a result of the nuclear
testing program.
The Government of the Marshall Islands shall use
such compensation to settle all-claims to ownership of such lands,
including its claim to public lands in Kili Island, Ujelang Island,
Ejit Island and parcels of land in Debet, Jar and Bokalaplap
Islands and the parcel of land known as “Lojokar Weto" in Jaluit
Determination and settlement of such claims shall be in
accordance with the constitutional processes of the Marshall

To conduct a survey and analysis of the radiological
Status of the Marshall Islands within two years after the effective
date of this Agreement.
If requested by the Government of the
Marshall Islands, the Government of the United States may provide
such technical assistance for this purpose as is mutually agreed.

Section 2°

The sum of $30 million shall be paid to the Government of the

Marshall Islands to compensate for all claims resulting from the
nuclear testing program which are not otherwise compensated purSuant to this Agreement.
The Government of the Marshall Islands
shall establish and implement procedures in accordance with its
constitutional processes for the settlement of these claims.

all claims have been duly considered by the Government of the

Marshall Islands, the Government of the Marshall Islands shall
certify to the Government of the United States that it has completed its constitutional processes for the settlement of all
Upon such certification the Government of the United
States shall pay the total sum to the Government of the Marshall
Any portion of this sum which is not distributed for the
compensation and settlement of all claims shall revert to the
Government of the Marshall Islands.
Article IV

The Government of the United States reaffirms its commitment

to provide funds for the resettlement of Bikini Atoll by the

people of Bikini at a time which cannot now be determined.

The Government of the United States affirms that any title to
cable situated in the Bikini lagoon which it may have shall vest,
without reimbursement or transfer of funds, in the Government of
the Marshall Islands pursuant to Section 234 of the Compact.
acceptance of such title the Government of the Marshall Islands
agrees to hold harmless the Government of the United States from

Select target paragraph3