any loss or damage associated with such cable.
the Marshall Islands shall transfer,

The Government of

in accordance with its con-

stitutional processes, any such title to the people of Bikini.
Article VI

The Government of the Marshall Islands shall have the exclusive responsibility, and the Government of the United States shall
be relieved of any responsibility, for the utilization of areas in
the Marshall Islands affected by the nuclear testing program.

Government of the Marshall

Islands affirms that the assistance to

be provided by the Government of the United States in the exercise

of such responsibility is set forth in full in this Agreement.
Article VII
The Government of the United States has concluded that:


The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey and

related environmental studies conducted by the Government of the
United States represent the best effort of that Government

accurately to evaluate and describe radiological conditions in the

Marshall Islands.


The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey and

related studies have been made available to the Government of the
Marshall Islands and can be used for the evaluation of the £ood

chain and environment in determining health consequences of
Marshallese people's residing in the Marshall Islands,
Article VIITI

The Government of the Marshall Islands intends to conduct the
Study and survey referred to in Section 1(b) of Article III of
this Agreement in order to confirm these conditions.
If, based on
this study and survey, the Government of the Marshall Islands conCludes that the facts are materially, substantially and adversely
different from those set forth in the studies cited in Article VII
of this Agreement,

the Governinent of the United States and the Gov-

ernment of the Marshall Islands shall resolve the issue exclusively
through the means of Article II of Title Four of the Compact.
Article Ix
Section 1

.This Agreement constitutes the full settlement of all claims,
past, present and future, of the Government of the Marshall Islands
and its citizens and nationals, based upon, arising out, or in any
way relating to the nuclear testing program, against the United
States, its agents, employees, contractors and citizens and
nationals, and o£ all claims for equitable or other judicial relief
dn connection including any of those claims which may be pending

or which may be filed in any court or other judicial or adminis-

Select target paragraph3