- 33 inte


Page 17, lines 11-13 - "Thus the Colorado/soil standard
is hardly a safe or acceptable standard unless it can be shown
that such levels of plutonium have no serious long term health

Assuming thepreceding assumptions to be fact, the author now
states that, "Thus..."

This conclusion is no more valid than the

assumptions upon which it rests, for which no evidence is presented,

Page Li, line 20-25 - "Thus the high tumor risk for the hot 238pu09
can be variously attributed to (a) the mobility of the
smaller particles (b) the recoil ablation and/or dissolution rates
which increase with specific activity and with surface area of hot
particles and (c) the irradiation or Larger numbers of cells with
scattered protons (an effect that may be significant for very hot



The reference to "the hot 238 Pud, particles (1D is misleading.


was stated previously (see author's page 8, lines 9-11), the material
used was neither 238510


2 385y,
to be "monomeric"

nor in particulate form, but was considered

Furthermore, the author's definition

"hot...particles" here is not clear.

It is the "monomeric" 238pu,

with its consequent exposure of more’ target' epithelial cells" which
reference ll attributes as the cause of the higher tumor incidence.
Recoil ablation, scattered protons, etc. are not discussed in reference




Page 18, lines 1-4 - "For these reasons, the insoluble alpha
emitting smoke particle, uranium oxide, thorium oxide and other alpha
emitting particles of moderate to low specific activity may be expected
to give rise to a higher tumor risk per alpha disintegration or for a
given cumulative dese."

Select target paragraph3