- 29 € initially or later on, based on different amounts of alpha emitter
burden given to an organ initially, then the interpretation of his
remark depends upon whether he is comparing high dose - high dose rate
levels which are relatively inefficient for cancer production (by
dhe gute aareet

virtue of overkill of cells) (see sy comments on hits pages 4, 5 and
13) with lower dose and dose rate levels, or comparing different dose
and dose rate levels in the region of ascending dose-incidence


It should be pointed out again that the author apparently regards
chromosomal structural changes or mutations as constituting the
mechanism of carcinogenesis and has indicated that the chromosomal effects
of alpha radiation are directly proportional to the number of alpha
Interactions,”independent of alpha interaction rates, and vary linearly
with alpha dose rate,

The linear relationship between effect and

dose or dose rate indicates lack of dependence of effect per unit dose
on dose size or dose rate,

Therefore, it does not follow that tumor

incidence per unit dose, on the basis of a mechanism that has a linear
dose-effect relationship, will change with change in dose size or dose
Page 13, lines 23-26 - “For this reason a given cancer risk is
equated with smaller cumulative alpha doses and with much smaller
internal alpha emitter burdens as the period of exposure decreases,
This is an enigmatic statement, but taken literally appears to be
unfounded for the same reasons given and referred to in mf comments

on the previous sentenceson this page and on the author's pages 4 and 5.

Select target paragraph3