


received support from the scientific community at large.


the participation of those with extremely conservative philosophies may
lead to decisions based on no effective standards at all, a situation which
might result in demands in excess of current technology and potentially

available funds, thereby preventing return of the people.

Resolution of

scientific issues should be conducted through normal scientific channels
rather than on a day-to-day basis at Enewetak.
Page 7, lines 12-16 - "The 1972 radiological survey (NVO-140) must be

regarded as an impressive beginning of long-range radiological assessment
and monitoring of the Enewetak environment with appropriate emphasis
placed upon not only the marine and terrestrial environments but upon

the radionuclide pathways to man."

NVO-140 is the most comprehensive radiological assessment and

monitoring ever carried out on a marine and terrestrial environment.


results of the Enewetak Radiological Survey, except for minor areas identified
in the ERDA Task Group Report (sampling of water lenses and air over longer
periods of time), were found to be an exceptionally complete data base for

the purpose of evaluating conditions and for making decisions on clean-up
and rehabilitation.

Twelve months of lens water and air sampling will be

conducted by the radiological support group within the clean-up organization

during clean-up operations.

No additional radiological survey is warranted

or planned prior to the start of clean-up operations.
Tt should also be noted that the Survey not only considered but focused
on radionuclide pathways to man.

Various diets and quantities of ingested

foods were considered in deriving potential radiation exposure via these

Page 6, lines 16-18 - "As we shall discuss more fully below, more>
information is needed about the presence of hot particles."

We agree that more information is needed about the potential

presence of hot particles.

However, it will be some time before all of the

Select target paragraph3