~ 24 autopsy data may show significant bias due to the selection
process in obtaining permission for autopsies.

Page 13, lines 2-6 - "Based on evidence reviewed above it appears
that atherosclerosis is a cancer of the artery wall and thus that
coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular
and renal system are expected effects of inhaled plutonium and of
other insoluble alpha emitting particles."

This sweeping generalization and string of presumptions are poorly
founded, for reasons given already in previous comments above.
Page 13, lines 6-8 - "An adequate assessment of the magnitude
of these risks can only be obtained by a comprehensive medical followup of all past and present plutonium workers."

We do, however, fully agree with the author that there is need for
a proper epidemiologic study of workers with plutonium burdens, and
ERDA is now developing concrete plans for such a study.

The continuation

of such studies as well as thepertinent experimental research are
certainly worthy of support and encouragement.
Page 13, lines 8-12 - "Until the age distribution of these effects
among plutonium workers is fully assessed, any claim by the proponents
of nuclear energy that there is little risk associated with the MPLB
(maximum permissible lung burden), 16 nCi of plutoniu, or fraction
thereof, is totally unjustified."

The use of the phrase "these effects among plutonium workers",

without specification, suggests that the author has already concluded

or presumed, on the basis of "the limited published information" (his
term on his page 12), that all of the deaths, causes of death, and

diseases among plutonium workers that/mentions on his pages 12 and 13
or other specific

are “effects” of plutonium rather than natural/causes, despite statements

he attributes to the investigators of "the medical experience of 26
plutonium workers at Los Alamos 6 #9150)m to the effect that "none of

Select target paragraph3