effectiveness and efficiency of the dose,

It is the dose

rate influence on these efficient doses that is important in
considering the possible influence of dose and dose rate
reduction to levels of interest in radiation protection.


author neglects this distinction in his selection of reports
for presentation in this paragraph.
While the material Sanders (11) administered to rats was

derived from crushed ?38Pu0, microspheres, the animals did not
receive crushe

4 238 PuO»


The material had been stored

in a saline solution for a long period of time and had been altered
to a non-crystalline form of plutonium (i.e., it had no detectable
x-ray diffraction pattern) throught to be solubilized in the saline
and "monomeric" 238pu in form.
Page 5, line 25 to Page 6, line 20 - "Based on the above considerations it is evident that the tumor risk is optimized when a very large
number of cells and their descendants are subjected to only a few
widely spaced alpha interactions with the small target afforded by
the cell chromosomes, This follows necessarily from the fact that
most alpha interactions with cell chromosomes lead to the subsequent
mitotic death of the cell, as Barendsen has shown(17;18)_, The
production of a malignant cell calls for a sequence of two or more
low probability events and thus cannot be speeded up by the application
of massive alpha doses, but rather only by subjecting a much larger
number of cells to a limited number of interactions. Additionally,
assuming that the tumor risk to the tissue subjected to alpha irradiation
is proportional to R22 (t/T.); explained above, it is apparent that the
alpha activity concentration or the activity per particle which is
equated to a given tumor risk decreases with increasing time of
exposure and also that a given risk can be attributed to smaller
cumulative doses when the time of exposure (573is appreciabty, longer
than the mean life of the cell, T,. Brues¢
and Burch(2 (33°3
pointed out that the two-mutation theories of carcinogenesis 20,21)
would imply an exceptionally high effectiveness of widely spaced

radiation for tumor production. It is proposed that just such a dose
rate relationship serves to reconcile the observed significant tumor
risk in cigarette smokers with the presence of a persistent lung burden
of insoluble smoke particles involving a total of only a few picocuries
of 210pg(14) on

Select target paragraph3