~-2channels of scientific communication.

In contrast, those individuals in

this country and abroad who are recognized as experts because of their
published research on plutonium and their analyses of the hazards of
plutonium have regularly been members of or advisors to such bodies.

These bodies have consistently adopted a conservative philosophy regarding
recommendations; this is evidenced by the fact that no member of the public
has been harmed by radioactivity released from or caused by non-military
and non-medical activities, and that the radiological safety record of the

nuclear industry over the past 30 years is an enviable one.


scientists consistently have taken a conservative, scientific and unemotional
approach to matters of radiation protection.

Since these recommendations

and resulting standards are inherently conservative, the term "inadequately
conservative" becomes a relative one which essentially questions "How
conservative is conservative?".

One can be conservative to the point where

standards are meaningless.
Page 2, lines 12-15 - "And it is in the assessment and, if possible,
elimination of the radiobiological health risk that they are the most
dependent upon the United States government."


The total elimination of any radiological health risk at

Enewetak is an unrealistic objective which can never be attained.


radioactivity and therefore some finite risk must be accepted if the people
are to return under any of the clean-up alternatives.
Page 2,

lines 15-19 - "The Defense Nuclear Agency and the Atomic

Energy Commission have already devoted great amounts of time and money
to assessment and remedy of radiological problems presented by this

program, but more will have to be done and it will have to be done
over a long period of time."

The author is aware that the Energy Research and Development

Administration (ERDA)

anticipates continued radiological monitoring of

both the Enewetak environment and the people; these programs will be funded

Select target paragraph3