- 14 Soil Concentrations

soil concentration of 239,240, for the northern

The average

half of Enewetak Atoll is 12 pCi/g (Ref. 1).

The 24.vas

ratio in the soil at Enewetak is 0.36 (Ref. 1).


Therefore, the present

241 am concentration is 239 2405, 12 pCi/g (0.36 241py (23924054) =

4.3 pCi/g 241am,
Assuming the same ratio for 2415 1239 240p,, of 1.85, the 241py

activity is 1.85 (12) = 22 pCi/g 41oy,

The maximum grow in of 24lLan

from this level of 7“pu is 22 (0.026) = 0.57 pCi/g
When the calculated increase from



thoy of 0.57 pCi/g 2A is

compared to 4.3 pCi/g of 241 am now present it represents a 13% increase.

The total *4lam will be 4.3 + 0.57 = 4.87 pCi/g. When compared with
the 12 pCi/g of
239 ,240

239 , 240 Pu

present, the

241 Am

level will be 41% of the


Ground Water

The average

239 , 240

is 5.4 fCi/1 (Ref. 3).
is 10 fCi/1.


Pu concentration in the ground water on Enjebi
Using the 1.85 factor the 241 Pu concentration

Am concentrations have not yet been measured but

assuming a similar ratio for


Am t o

239 ,240

Pu in both the lagoon

water and ground water an estimate of the
Am in ground water can

be made. 5.4 £Ci/1 799>740py in ground water (4.3 £Ci/1 241"Am in
lagoon water) /39 £Ci/1
in the ground water.

239 240 Pu


Decay of 24.ou leads to a 43% increase in 24.an

concentration and the total 2

in lagoon water = 0.6 fCi/1l


Am activity is 16% of the


Select target paragraph3