completed within a six-month period after funds are made available.


development costs are currently estimated to total about $2,881,800 over

a five-year period.
An additional sum is required to provide improvements
to the island of Kili and to Ujelang Atoll where the former Eniwetok people
were moved.
The bulk of the redevelopment expense is encountered in the
first year of new construction.
For program planning purposes the costs

have been allocated to cight major categories:
Atoll cleanup...
Transportation. .
Planning. 2. 6 2 6
Replanting. 2...



Grove Maintenance .......
Construction. .
Resettlement. .


1... 1. ew we we
1 8 0 we we we
6 2 ee ee ew we ww

1. - 6. 6
. 2...
2... 6




2 ew ee eee
...5 4.5468.
eee ee ee217,800

Because the Bikini people will have to continue to live for the next

several “years-otKili and because there is some probability--that some of

them will elect to remain on Kili rather than relocate themselves on Bikini,

some improvements to housing, community facilities, and agricultural resources
are in order for that island. These costs are currently estimated at
approximately $100,000.
Similarly, the plight of the former Eniwetok people, who have been
relocated on Ujelang, requires attention.
These people were removed from
Eniwetok shortly after the removal of the people from Bikini.
The Eniwetok
people were resettled on the much smaller Ujelang Atoll.
The Defense
Department has concluded that natidnal security requirements for Eniwetok
are such that return of these people is not foresceable.
The Ujelangese are
in urgent need of improved housing, community facilities, and agricultural
resources, all of which are today beyond their means.
Their near desperate
situation is highlighted by the impending end of the Bikini odyssey.

ments to the Ujelang community are currently estimated to require $80,000.

The over~all resettlement program for Bikini, including clearing, redevelopment
over a five-year period, and essential improvements to the Kili and Ujelang

is estimated on

the basis of current

information to amount to

approximately $3,000,000, phased over a six-vear period.
An alternative is to let a few islanders return and reestablish residence
on Bikini in its present condition.
This is rejected because of the moral
responsibility as well as the political, sociological and economic need to
rehabilitate the islanders.
Survival would be difficult and the redevelopment of Bikini, without support of modern equipment and methods, would be a
painfully stow process coverings penerations.
Such appro wh would be ineonsistent with the poal of assisting the Bikinfans to bulld a new and model








Select target paragraph3