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aixini-Eniwetok Resurvey



Date of Birth


Dr. Lauren R, Donaldson

May 13, 1903

tenora BsDonaldonswife

Dre Arthur De Welander

saly by 1908


Dre Kelshaw Bonham

March 19, 1909

Margaret Winger Bonham, wife

Frank G. Lownan

December 22, 1921

Allyn H, Seymour

August 1, 1913

Dr. Orlin Biddulph

Jamary 27, 1909

Dr. Harold St. John

July 25, 1892

Spencer Tinker

Jamary 29, 1909

Neal Hines

November 22, 1908

Ralph Palumbo

December 12, 1916


Paul Kellogg



November 6, 1927

Next of kin

2230 EB 46th St., Seattle
CJeora A. Lowman, wife

1325 East 103rd, Seattle
Barbara Jane Noonan Seymour, wife

2971 Union Bay Circle, Seattle
Susann F, Biddulph, wife

Route #2, Pullman, Washington

Eli,abeth C, St. John, wife

2365 Hoomaha Way, Honolulu, T. He

Gwendolyn E, Tinker, wife

2727 Kalakaua Avene, Honolulu, Tele

Martha Perry Hines, wife
14003 24th NeE., Seattle
Deris Mae Miller Palumbo, wife

1004 Ne 70th st., Seattle
ivma Ee Kellogg, Mother
5137 Ee 41st, Seattle

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