
Power Generation and Surface Transportation.
These are shown as separate budget categories in the FY 80 budget.

They represent the cost of diesel fuel for the generators and shipping
and handling of same for the second six months of 1980 when MPML will
be operating on a stand alone capacity.

Diesel fuel will thus no longer

_be avatlable through Holmes and Narver at that time.

The estimates are

based on figures from Mr. Roger Loftfield, an engineer with Holmes and

Backup Water Supply.
This category in the FY 80 budget is based on the probability that,

over a year's time, it will be essential to periodically produce water to
supplement the monthly rainfall catchment.

The estimate considers the

use of an Aqua Chem wit and is based on figures prepared by Mr. Roger
Loftfield, an engineer with Holmes and Narver.


Travel and Subsistence.
It is important to consider that air fare estimates for FY 80 are

based on present MAC costs and that MAC will no longer be flying to
Enewetak in the last six months of FY 80.

Accessibility to MPML far the

latter part of FY 80 is thus dependent on the establishment of reasonably
priced air travel between Kwajalein and Enewetak, via commercial carrier
of some type.

Costs are highly speculative and it is essential to have

some financial flexibility in this area.
Similarly, the per diem food cost at Enewetak of $12/day, used for
both the FY 79 and FY 80 budgets, is based on present costs which have
been held quite constant.

What will happen to these costs in the latter

Select target paragraph3