atoll adjacent to the laboratory.
The remaining items are all standard research equipment items necessary

for the kinds of research projects which are carried out at the MPML.
exception is the Underwater Communications System.


In view of the extensive

amount of underwater research being conducted at MPML, acquisition of this systen
would be of great potential benefit.

The subsurface to surface communication

capability would be particularly useful.

The "wet beacon" and “wet finder"

hardware would enable a diver to mark a particularly important area and then
return to it for subsequent work.

Capital equipment items for F¥ 80 are not included in this proposal.


part this is because we will have a much better idea of our needs as we begin
operation in our new quarters in the former Coast Guard buildings, and, second,
there will be accessories needed for the complete operational effectiveness of
the new research boat.

Thus, the figure given on page 1 of this proposal

s'.suld be viewed as an estimate only.

Select target paragraph3