
In accordance with approved budget and terms of the contract,
procures supplies and equipment and maintains a supply inventory

consistent with laboratory needs.


Publicizes the MPML program and the attributes of Enewetak Atoll
as a research site.


Identifies gaps in knowledge about atoll environments, and
suggests, designs, and coordinates programs needed to fill those


Encourage appropriate research programs.

Maintains liaison with D.O.E. and its PASO staff, in order to
insure the efficient operation and utilization of MPML.


Research Areas of MPML:

MPML are as follows.


Research areas that reflect the missions of

Proposals in any of these areas are welcome.

Quality research of any kind dealing with the physical as well
as biotic atoll environment.


Studies of water movements in the lagoon and immediately adjacent
to the atoll.

Extensive off-shore oceanographic studies are not

at present possible; however, with the acquisition of a larger

research vessel (currently being acquired) with adequate navigational equipment, it will be possible to extend the sphere of
our operation to a radius of 25 to 50 miles from the atoll,
should a need for this capability arise.

Research within the

lagoon will be greatly facilitated.


Studies of trophic relationships will provide insights on pathways of radioactive contaminants to man.

Such studies include


selective up~take of radio isotopes by organisms and their
cycling in the ecosystem, and the movements of organisms such

Select target paragraph3