
more accurately reflect our broadened interest and concern for all aspects of
the atoll environment.

This suggestion will be made by the Director to the

Scientific Advisory Committee at its next meeting.


Role of MPML after the "Clean-up" of Enewetak:
The "clean-up" of Enewetak Atoll is scheduled for completion in mid-1980.

The question arises:

What role will MPML play once the clean-up is completed

and the Enewetak people have returned to justify its continued support by the
Federal government through the auspices of the Department of Energy?
The continuing existence of MPML will provide a. facility for surveillance

and monitoring of the biota, including man, and the physical environment of
the most intensively studied atoll in the world.
data exist for Enewetak than for Bikini.

More scientific base-line

Eventually there will be a larger population on Enewetak than on the other atolls affected in one way or
-nother by the nuclear testing program.

Furthermore, this population has not

had previous exposure to radiation so that any subsequent effects which may
appear must be traceable to the Enewetak environment.

It is anticipated that

the airstrip will be maintained which will make Enewetak accessible by air
fiom Kwajalein and Majuro.

Thus, the MPML will provide a window, so to speak,

through which the situation in the Marshall Islands can be followed especially
Another role the MPML will play is in the area of service to the people

of the Marshall Islands.

Service will be in a number of forms.

First is

It is hoped to continue a program of teacher education which was

st: cted before the clean-up but is now in abeyance.

Environmental protection,

wisest and best management practices of limited resources, basic food

Select target paragraph3