For Utirik, evnironre tet crear at Rongelap, while the ‘ey radiation due to fallo.' Environmenta re 2 deve 9s at Utirik, lead-nes ty. ace lower than those (tirtk * A «© oak = ab ur ors Te, wor ee ue re came. ter yer "of an beterna] « tryed af tnose , rer for recident of that Now, what does tr © ses As noted above, exnosure of tional and medical expec ure “eo tre 9 rare . er oo ot Patan tropical atoll} Le tre so might have received on > ATF Met owe °° ba And, finally, 1° we » er to the Marshalis fror r moot cosmic radiation durin: *t exposure to radiat or * ' acm - Tost. ¢* socupa- ew lowe yi hy .-ars Gm Fongelap They ht ‘el the sa7@ worker recites or As tuk Favre, . faec @«rercence ne yo oMaKes fre rouna ‘ yt re 4 tre Maro nalds? & Ttates, where wo will very likely susta:- would, as noted, reduc: ome Uitte oe naturally occurrir3 ras: Taus / a - aypolurTe tC 2ovut @€9ud be, ree A's HOP GE ae.