-2The primary responsibility of the DOE medical program in the Marshall
Islands concerns the diagnosis and treatment of radiation effects in the
exposed Rongelap and Utirik people.

In order to carry out this mission

satisfactorily a number of unexposed Rongelap people are included in the examinations.

Comprehansive annual medical examinations are carried out on these

people by the DOE-BNL medical team with the assistance of Trust Territory
medical personnel.

In addition, a Resident Physician and Physician's

Assistant have been placed in the islands and make quarterly trips to
Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini for health care purposes.

Over and above the

primary mission, for humanitarian reasons, the DOE-BNL medical personnel
assists the Trust Territory in general health care of other Marshallese
whenever possible.
The present agreement concerns 1) the annual medical surveys, 2) follow-up
medical care, and 3) health care assistance by DOE-sponsored personnel at
Ebeye and Majuro.

ERDA will invite TTPI medical personnel

health aides,


(e.g., Medical Officer, nurses,

to participate in the DOE-BNL medical visits in -

order to facilitate expanded programs such as Well Baby Clinics, Family
Planning, etc., and will assist as feasible, with the logistic support of
these activities.

The Trust Territory will furnish such personnel referred

to above when possible.

The DOE-BNL medical team, during the annual surveys,

will assist the TTPI in providing medical care to the people living on Rongelap
and Utirik.

Every effort will be made to extend the duration of the medical

teams stay at these islands long enough to examine all people on the islands
who wish to be examined in a way similar to that used for the exposed and
control groups.


Select target paragraph3