examination should be scheduled only every five to seven years. This

would put the next body burden survey in either 1963 or 1967 not in
1961 as Dr. Conard now is attempting to arrange. A review of

Dr. Conard's report which you sent to the Department of Interior on

May 5, 1960 also does not indicate that the March 1960 findings were

unusual or unexpected.

I coneur campletely in the recommendations made by our Director of

Public Health and the District Administrator of the Marshalls District.
Accordingly it is my opinion that a medical survey such as Dr. Conard
proposes for next spring is not essential.
We request, therefore,
that the next examination be put off until 1963. Any miscellaneous
data required in the interim can be obtained by our medical staff in
line with previous agreements with Dr. Conard.

You will recall that last year an agreement was reached with your

office on the curtailment of the frequency and scope of scientific
surveys at Rongelap.

Our decision to postpone the next medical survey

until 1963 is in line with this agreement.


D. H. Nucker
High Commissioner
ec: Dr. Conard


Select target paragraph3