

Ldward B, Giller


I: *

It is understood that Chairman Schlesinger wrote a letter to

br. Kissinger on June 15 summrizing details up to that date. I
understand that this letter resulted in a request to Interior to
"slow domits talk about the icmediate returm of the Marshallese

to the Atoll.

Within AEC, Mr. John Ryan of the General Manager's

' offices is oversesing staff efforts et the moment with the principal
work being performed by the Division of Operational Safety.

KwA has found it necessary to roview its PACE planning 2s a result
of a@ quarantine waich was icposed on Rimit Island on May 24, 1972.
_ Tne present quarantine resulted from a survey which confirmed the
existence of a significant level of radioactive contamination on the
4sland. Tis PACE surveillance team, now Scheduled to depart for

unit July 26, will provide the information by which DNA will decide

waether to:


proceed with plans to use kmit Island,


abandon the island for ancther site, or


conduct the experizent on Runit using additional precautions.

This Surveillance team will be comprised of eight wonbers: Air Force —
Weapons Laboratory +- 2, DNA «- 3, AEC ~- 2, and EPA(HERL) ~- 1.
Prelicinary cost end time estimates will also be devel

under the

aegis of isA, AEC has offered its data and other
cal assistance
in developing these estimates, There is a difference of views between
Ur. Rogar Ray (NV) and Hr. Earl Eagles (DNA) over staffing, s
anc lcsistic support of the cost and tine estimate sthdy. Hr. Ray believes
tie ALC boat will provide inadequate transportation, that the survey
Siould commence on August 2 vice August 9, and that Holses § Narver. enzincers should be included. I cama with Mr. Rey. I would also like
+o rote that GNA has, to my anowledze, mace no attempt to define optims,
assicptions, or criteria to dotemzine costs and times. Hr, Ryan has
asked ur, Biles to call Hr. Eagl2s to see what can be dons to accompdate
ix. Ray's wishes, bota as to scope and timing of the study. The subject
Of lo;istic support YeMains open.
Department of Energy
Historian’s Office


Select target paragraph3