L, Joe Deal



‘SAN 22 1975


people are to constitute the Advisory Group:


Marshalls DeBrum
AEC Biles (Ray for logistics, McCraw for radiological)
H&N Gilmore

it was agreed that any member could call a meeting and that
Brown would act as a central point of contact. He is to be
sent copies of all future reports and correspondence that would
be of interest to the group. MLSC is to be asked to participate. |
It is anticipated that subjects for future meetings will include
"The Bikini Master Plan, '' and "Bikini Radiological Information"

(the report on recalculation of doses).

As to tasks and schedules for BAG, AECis to receive the draft
Bikini Master Plan (this is the ultimate version based on the

peoples wishes) containing building plans, construction data,
and land use information by January 24. (We agreed that TT
and H&N staff could go ahead with this version but pointed
oat that the plan is subject to change since the new radiological
information is not yet available.) The target date to publish a

preliminary plan is March31.

AEC is to prepare a Radiological Evaluation/Assessment using


as input, material from the Master Plan. Data from the most
recent survey (December 1974) is to be available from BNL by
about mid-March 1975. Nat Greenhouse szid he thought they
could meet this schedule. Dose estimates and an evaluation of
these doses are to be completed by mid-April 1975 with a meeting
for presentation of results in late April. I will be talking to Bill
Robison about this when he gets back from the Pacific. AEC
is to present a plan for an aerial survey of Bikini Atoll at this
same meeting including a backup plan for a ground survey in

case the necessary support for the aerial survey cannot be obtained.

There is to be a meeting on the Final Bikini Master Plan sometime

between mid-May and June 1, 1975.


AECis to accelerate its followup survey program for Bikini Atoll
because of master plan developments and things learned aboutthe

environment in the Enewetak survey.
will be used at Bikini,

Things learned at Enewetak

Select target paragraph3