
L. Joe Deal




JAN 22 1975




is that the people are resigned to the Enjebi situation. Earl
Gilmore stated that the Enewetak Master Plan will be cornpletely
overhauled. The revised plan will not show a political division
among the Enewetak people.
. A plan was presented for the early returnto Japtan, see Attachment
V. There are two groups of 50 people being discussed. First,
there is the early return of 50 people to Japtan supported by Trust
Territory (TTPI).,

Next, there are 50 people associated with clean-

up ina DMA supported camp. During cleznup, there could be as
many as 150 people on Japtan including workers and their families.
It was stated that the legal document for transfer of the atoll must
be signed before anyone returns to Japtan. When the TTPi group
of 50 (more or less) returas, they will be supported by a Distad.
Rep. and his family (12 people) anc a health aid and family. In
preparation for the return, welis will be put in for water for
washing and catchments for drinking and cooking water. The people
hope that AEC can provide some employment in work with test
plantings. It was mentioned that a camp for workers will be needed
on Enjebi. We should be thinking about hewto explain this to
those who are not being allowed to return.
During the discussion of TT providing a health aid for the early

return, it was mentioned that DNa has not yet decided whether to

have amedical doctor in the atoll during cleanup operations.
may be something we should speak to them about.


I stated that we know that the Distad. Rep. on Japtan is to supervise
and control the collection of any scrap material in the atoll regardless
of the source and location of collection. I told the group that this
material must be checked for radioactivity prior to removal from
the atoll. Also, I stated that detailed guidance should be developed
for use by the Distad. Rep. in making decisions on any scrap collecticn.
Roger Ray indicated NV could probably develop guidance for the
use of the Distad. Rep.
The early return to Japtanis to be treated 2s a separate item in the
Enewetak EIS and presented as an attachment. DNA representatives
stated they need AEC comments next week on the plans for early
return to Japtan and alsoon EPA comments onthe EIS. Thefinal
Master Plan will have to be presented to the people, probably in






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