Chapter 3

No data was obtained. The Project 1.10 command system failed at minus 2:15 minutes,
and Commands 2, 3, and 4 were not transmitted. This left the Project 2.7 caniater in

the unarmed condition at zero time. Although the data was probably recorded, the sys-

tem did not lock into the playback mode, so the data was erased on the next transit of the
tape loop. It wag apparent from the ground station recordings that the Project 2.7 instru-

mentation was operating properly in the “ready” condition, both before and after zero

time, since the idling rates of the converters were present. Only about 6 percent of the
data would have been obtained in any event, because the Project 1.10 telemeter transmit-

ter in Canister 5 failed at plus 2.5 seconds.

The records of field strength made by the ground station may yield some information
on the blackout effect at these altitudes. Canister 2, at 1,050 feet from the burat began

to recover in about 3.9 seconds; and Canister 5, at 2,780 feet, began to recover in about
0.08 second.


Select target paragraph3