e. CTG 7.4 will:

(1) FIY in-commissionaircraft,other than helicoptersand liaison
aircraft,to evacuationstationspreviouslyindicated.
(2) Be preparedto lift passengers(personnelapproachingMaxi.mum
PermissibleExposurehave first priority)jmedical evacuees,and vital equipment,
(3) Be preparedto provideaircraftfor the movementof nonessentialpersonnelfrom Bikini Atoll to EniwetokAtoll as required.
(4) provide aircraftand helicoptersfor evacuationof personnel
within EniwetokAtoll as required.
(5) Be preparedto provideaircraftto evacuatepersomel from
off-atolllocationsas may be required.
(6) Be preparedto furnishair supportto evacuationof natives
from island locations.

(7) Coordinatewith CTG 7.2 on the lift of emergencysupplies
to Naval station>Kwajaleinjin supportof personnelevacuatedto Kwajalein.
(8) Coordinatewith CTG 7.2 the evacuationofTG 7.4 personnel
on FRED and with CTG 7.5 for other islandsof EniwetokAtoll and Bikini Atoll.
f. CTG 7.5 will:
(1) superviseand coordinatethe evacuationof sll persomel from
Bikini Atoll and EniwetokAtoll except FRED and DAVID. AssistCTG 7.2 in the
evacuationof personnelfrom FRED and DAVID as may be required.
(2) Designateassemblyareas and embarkationpoints for Bikini
and EniwetokAtolls except FRED aridDAVID. Coordinatewith other task groups.
(3) Have primary responsibilityfor furnishingsmall boat support
for the evacuationof Bikini Atoll$ augmentedby TG 7.3 boat pool as required.
(4) Have primaryresponsibilityfor the evacuationof all islands
within EniwetokAtoll except FRED which will be supportedby TG 7.3 boat pool.
(5) Insure that all utilitiesat Eniwetokand BikiniAtolls are
properly securedand, if required~provideemergencypower to supportunattended
operationof refrigerationand other facilitiesas long as practicable. Coordinatewith CTG 7.2 for FRED and DAVID.
(6) Coordinatethe evacuationand re-entryof elementsof th,
task force at Bikini Atoll.
(7) Coordinatethe evacuationof elementsof thetask force from
the upper islandsof Eniwet.ok
Atoll to FRED and ELMER and re-entryas required.
s organizere-entryparties.
(8) In the event of emergencyevacuation
Task group planningwill provide that these individualsare loaded aboardthe same
ship or aircraftto preservethe integrityof the unit to permit rapid coordination
and organizationupon re-entry.

(9) Designatebeach masters to controlembarkationof personnel

Select target paragraph3