(L) Be preparedto furnishCommandingOfficer,Naval Station,
Kwajalein,with emergencysuppliesand equipmentto supportnativeewho may
be evacuatedto Kwajalein.
(5) CoordinatewithCTG 7.5 to insure that all utilitieson
FRED and DAVID are securedexcept for emergencypower to supportunattended
operationof refrigerationand other facilitiesfor as long ae practicable.
(6) Coordinatewith CTG 7.5 for the evacuationof TG 7.2 personnel at Bikini Atoll and from the upper islandsof EniwetokAtoll to FRED.

(7) Be preparedto providesubsistenceand medical.facilities
as may be requiredduring emergenciesas directedby CJTF Sm.
(8) In the event of emergencyevacuation,organizere-entry
parties. Task group planningwill providethat these individualsare loaded
aboardthe same ship or aircraftto preservethe integrityof the unit to
permit rapid coordinationand organizationupon re-entry.
d. CTG 7.3 will:
(1) provide sufficientships to evacuateall Task Force personnel from Eniwetokand Bikini Atolls.
(2) Be preparedto supportevacuationof JTF SEVEN personnel
from off-atollsites,and to evacuatenatives from islandlocationsas may
be directedby CJTF SEVEN.
(3) Be preparedto SUPPQrtthe Task Force afloat.
(4) Coordinatewith CommandingOfficer,Naval Station,Kwajalein,
for the supportof nativesthat may requireevacuation. Nativeswill be landed
at Kwajaleinfor housing and processinguntil furtherdirectionis receivedby
CJTF SEVEN from High CommissionerjTrust Territories.
(5) Provide small craft and hel.icopters
to assist in the
evacuationof Bikini Atoll as may be requiredby CTG 7.5.
(6) Provide small craft to assist in the evacuationof Eniwetok
Atoll as requestedby CTG 7.5.
(7) fien personnelare embarkedin TG 7.3 ships for evacuation,
proceed,during routine evacuations,to designatedareas; duringemergency
evacuations,as may be dictatedby the conditioncausingthe emergencyevacua~.;.on.
(8) Be preparedto route CVS to EniwetokLagoon to lift TG7.G
helicoptersif such evacuationis required.

(9) Integratetransientships,and ships reportingon stationin
relief of another ship~ into evacuationscheme.
(10) For evacuationof EniwetckAtoll~ have primaryresponsibility
for providingsmall boat supportfrom FRED to evacuationships.
(11) Designatebeach mastersto controlembarkationof personnel
and dispatchof small craft from FRED; coordinatewith CTG 7.2 and CTG 7.5.
(12) Assume responsibilityfor evacueeswhen embarkedin TG 7.3
craft or ships.

Select target paragraph3