Amex U tg JTF SEVTa..Jpera$?.on
PIh N6. 1-58,
unsafe for pxmtectionof life and propertyunless they are strongly
braced and heavily sandbagged. Quonset type warehousesare potential sourcesof danger in the event of a typhoonsince securing
them is a pzmJectof such magnitudethat it cannotbe done within
the resourcesand time availableafter receiptof the typhoon

e. The folhving characteristics
of ENIl\lYN3iC
and FIIIJNIAtollsserve
to decreasethe
y of serieusdamagedue to the effects
of a tidal wave:
(1) The botton slope off the Atollsis too steep to all.iw
waves opportunityto reach destructiveheights,also reflection off such steep slopes are knownto reducethe wave
height as much as 50 percent.
(2) The most prnbabledirectionof amm’eachby a tidal wave is
from the North, and since all mayor camp ~ites are in the
southernpart of each atoll the effectswould be somewhat
reduced. The coral reefs aroundthe Ato- providean
excellentbreakwater,and the major portionof wave energy
is dissipatedon the reefs.
f. Alert Plan - ‘l@hoon and Tidal :’?ave

In the event a forecastindicates
that one of the conditions
of typhoon alert should be assumedby the JTF, information
will be disseminatedby the most expeditiousmeans to all
Task Groups, Hq Comdt JTF SEVEN, and transitshipping. The
followingconditionsof typhoon alert
are establishedfor
the “m:
111 - “’indsof fifty (50) knots or Mre
anticipatedwithin forty-eight(48) hours

(b) CONDITIONII - ~~~ds of fifty (50) hots or moru
anticipated withim twenty-four (24) hours.
(c) CONDITIONI - Winds of fifty (50) knotsor more
anticipatedwithin twslve (1.2)hours.
will receivetyphoonconditionwarnings
(2) JTF-7?!eatherCentral.
from the Commander1st I ‘eather11’ing.The WeatherCentralwi~
immediatelyrmtify CJTF-7 and all Task Groups throughnormal
her Communicant
ion channels.

(3) Due to the rapid advanceof

a tidal wave, little advance
warning is anticipated. Iihena warningis receivedby C~-7P
it will be disseminatedby the most expeditiousmeans.

g. Aesumtions. This plan is baaed on the assumptionsthat:
(1) JTF SEVEN will receivetyphoonwarningstwenty-four(2f+)to
forty-eight(48) hours in adv~ce.
(2) Subsequentto ~ceipt of a typhoonwarning,CJTF S~
order total or partial.evacuationof ENIWTOK and/or BIKINI
(3) JTF SEVEN will receiveat least two (2) hum
to arrivalof a tidal wave. .U-2



Select target paragraph3