(1) Upon receiptof this list, Task Group CommanderswilJ
fOzW@ the individualrecor&gof Navy a~ Air Force
militaryard civilianpersomel to the individual~s
unit of permanentassignmentfor inclusionin the
individuallyhealth record (MedicalHistorySheete,
StandazdForm 600 ami the IndividualHealth Record for
Navy and Air Force pereonnel,respectively).For
those militarypersonnelexposedto ionizingradiation
in excessof that definedin para 6 abwe, a statement
will be includedto the effectthat the individualie
not.to be subjectedto ionizingradiationbefore a
specificdate, the date to be computedby the Task
Group RadSafeOfficer,to allow sufficienttime to
elapse in order to bring the averagedoee down to 0.3
roentgensper week. Limitationson Navy and Air Force
civilianpersonnelwith referenceto wer-expoeures
will be as determinedby the laboratoryor agency having
administrativejurisdictionover such personnel.
(2) Individualrecords of Army militarvand civilianPersonnel
will be forwardedby Task-GroupCoders
in accordance
with AR 40-41.4dated 26 November 1957 to their unit of
permanemtassignmentfor inclusionin the individualle
field military201 file, or the civilianpersonnel201
file (whicheverie applicable). These recordswill
indicatetotal exposureami inclusivedatee and a space
for remarks such ae limitationson assignment(as
indicatedin para 6 above)because of over-expesure.

recordeof AEC controlledad administered
civilianpereonnelwiJJ.~ proceesedby Task Gruup Conzmnders
in accordancewith specialinstructionsprescribedby the
laboratoryor agencyhaving administrativejurisdictionover
such personnel.

e. Upon completionof provisionsof para 22 a.b.c. above,letter
reportswill be submittedby Tack Group Commandersthrough
channelsto the SurgeonGeneral,USA; the Chief, Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery,USN; the SurgeonGeneral,USAF and the
Director,Divisionof ffiology
and Medicine,AEC, indicathg,
in generti~the action taken to dispoee of individualdose
records,conmentson over-exposures,
if applicable,and any
pertinentremarksconsideredof interestto the abwe offices.
f. All exposedfiti binges, calibrationfilms ad curves,ad
cumulativedosage recofi cards for all personnelin Joint
Task Force SEVEN till be forwardedby RadSafeOfficer,Task
Group 7.1, to the Director,Test Dividion,Albuquerque
for permanentretentionand storage,
23. Training: The inclusionof radiologicalsafetyorganizations
throughoutthe Task Force will requiretwo generalleveleof
training; Sasic Indoctrinationand TechnicalTraining. The
scope of i.netruction
within each of theee levelswill vary in
accordancewith the requirementsof differentoperationaland
staff levels. Easic indoctrinationtill includeprimary,nontechnicalinstructionin radiologicalsafetymeasuresand
techniques. This must be impartedto all personnelof the Task
Force to enable theretoperformtheir assignedduties efficiently
within the allowablelow expo~res regardleeeof the presenceof
radioactivecontaminants. Technicaltrainingwill includethe
trainingof the majorityof the personnelwho will be required
to staff the Tack Force ~diological Safety Organizationsand

Select target paragraph3