
Cha~e 1 to JTF SEVEN Operational.
e. Paragraph8b is deleted and the followingsubstitutedtherefor:
b, Maintain close liaisonwith CTG 7.1 on mutual radsafetymatterz during the operationalphase. Suppoti
contractorpersonnelwill be assignedto work as
mutually agreedbetween ~G 7.1 and CTG 7.5. The
total number and qualificationsof TG 7.5 personnel
will be as determinednecessaryby CTG 7.5, commensuratewith the assumptionsof responsibilities
indicatedin paragraph8C below.
f. Paragraph8C is deleted and the follotingsubstitutedtherefor:
c. At a time mutuallyagreeablebetween(XG 7.1 and
Cl?G7.5 resume operationalcontrolof rad-eafety
facilitiesand services. Requiredequipnehtand
supplieswill be made availableat that time to C1’G
7.5 on a loan or sale basis from stocks providedby
~G 7.1.
g. Paragraph8 is amendedto includecub-paragraph8d as


Provide own rad-safetymonitors for eupportofTG 7.5

Select target paragraph3