Apuendix 1 tG, .mex K to JTF SEl@. Operations ~

No. 1-5S

c. Ship and Boat MPLIs:
(1) Ship and boat MPL’s cannot be quantitativelyestablished.
They are dependentupon locationof contamination,
of space,personnelhazard,etc. Specifiedinstructions
will be issuedby CTG 7.3 upon reportingof contand.nation
as requiredby para 2 d. of Appenti 4 to Annex G.
(2) Fe-rahips and boats operatingin contaminatedwaters,
reasonableallowancestill be made to differentiate
between the relativecontributionto the total flux
from fixed contaminationand that due to ‘Ishine!{
(3) In general,shipe and boats operatingin waters near
shot sites after shot times may beccmnecontaminated.
Monitors shallbe aboard all euch craft operating
after shot time, either as passengersor members of
the crew, until euch time as radiological.
are lifted.
(4) At the conclusionof the operation,final clearances
will be grantedby task group commandersor by conmwxiing
officers,if eo ofiered,to those ships and boats
showingno point of contaminationgreaterthan 15 mr/day
(beta andganma) d
no detectablealpha. Ocher ships
and boata will be granted operationalclearance by
task group commandersor by commandingofficersif eo
ordered. An operational.
contaminationexists and that epecialprocech~esas
necessaryare institutedaboard ship.
(5) Individualson board ships of the Task Force ~all be
protectedcollectivelyfrom hazards of bl.act,
heat, and
radioactivityby movement arxlpositioningof ships.
(6) Shipe nth perscmnelaboardwill,nQt be placed inside
the 1.0 psi line unlese specificallydirectedotherwise.
Bearingsof danger from immediateradioactivefallout
for ship operationswill be establishedbyCJTF SEVEN
on the basis of forecastwind directionsat the intended
time of detonation.
d. AircraftNPLIs:
(1) The interiorsurfacesof occupiedsect;.>s of aircraft
should be reducedto 7 mr/hr.
(2) No aircraftin the air at H-i{ourwill be St slant rangee
from ground zero less t.lanas determinedtythe fodowing
effectsunless specificallydirectedotherkse. (iased
on maximumpredictedyield and 20 mile vincibility,)
(a) Blast (at predictedshock arrfiral):C.5 psi.
(b) Thermal (H-Hour): Fabric con rol SWia es:
1.0 cal/cm\
Metal contrc’.surf;:.s:
6.o cal/cm2


Select target paragraph3