Appendix 1 t...nnex K to JTF SEVEN OPerations

an No. 1-58

16. The arrivaland propogeduae of radioactivesourcesat the
EniwetokProving Ground will be reportedto the RadSafeOfficer
of To 7.1.
the forward
17. Transportationof radioactivematerialto and frcari
area shallbe in accordancewith AEC re@latlona for escorted
shipmentof such material. The assignmentof couriersand
RadSafemonitorswill be subjectof separateinstructions.No
radioactivematerial shall be remawd from the teet cite except
ae authorizedin experimentalpro~ects.
whichare courieredin
18. All samplesof radioactivematerial.
aircraftwill be packagedand loaded so as t~ r?duceradiation
to a minimum, Prior to departureof such aircraft,Sample
ReturnDirector,JTF SEVEN will have a suvveymade of the
aircraftcargo to deterudneif adequatep~ecautionshave been
taken. The followingcriteriawill determinespace and packaging requiretnente:
a. Prior exposureof aircraftcrew, courierand passenger.
b. Anticipatedfuture exposureeon tr~.p,consideringlength
of trip, compartmentalloading req~:-emez?.s
and capability
to isolatepersomel frcm radioactivematerial.
19, All air and surfacevehiclesor craft used in contaminatedareas checkedthroughthe appropriatetask group decontamination
sectionupon returnfrom such areae.
20. The MPL’s listed herein are to be regardedas advisorylimits
for controlunder average conditions. All rsx!ingsof surface
contaminationare to be made with Geiger Cour.~ers,
with tube
walls not substantiallyin excese of 30 mg/cmk with shield open
specified. The surfaceof the probe shouldbe
held one inch to two inches from the surfacethat is under
observationunless otherwisespecified. For operationalpurposes
the contaminatim NPLts presentedbelow will not be considered
applicableto spotty contaminationprovidedsuch areas can be
effectivelyisolatedfrom personnel:
a. Personneland ClothingMPLts:

Skin rwadin~sshouldnot be more thm~ 1.0 mr~nr.
ti~ba~hing~iillbe utilized
for readingsin excess of this level. If the body
is generallycontaminatedad especiallyif contamination
is on the eyes or gonads, specialeffortsshouldbe
made to reduc’ethe contaminationlevel. In general,
however,it is not consideredprofitableto abrade the
skin or epilatethe scalp in an attemptto reduce
stubborncontaminationbelow 1 m~/hr (aboutlCOO 0pm).

(2) Underclothingand body equipmenbsuch as the internal
surfacesof respiratorsshouldbe reducedto 2 mr/hr.
(3) Outer clothingshouldbe rechuedto 7 mr/hr,
b. VehicleNPLts: The interior surfacesof occupicg“’ef>”:.ions
of vehicles shouldbe reducedto 7 ~,/hr. The rn4~i~a
o? vehiclessh~,dd be reduceito less 2;-:1..
, (gaimra
cnly) at :;re or~ixhchesi’;om?l.? su:..?,


Select target paragraph3