
Append5x 1 t~..,nnex
K to JTF.SEVENOperations .anNo, l-5E?
7* Authorizationfor individualexposuresin excessof the established
MWE will be grantedonly by the Commander,JTF-7 and only in
specificcases for which operationalrequirementsprovidejustification.

In view of existingrecommendationsof the NationalCommitteeon
RadiationProtectionand the International.
Committeeon Radiation
Protectionand t,loseproposedby these bcdies for the very near
future the @E for all persomel participatingin this Operation
is limitedas follows. Personnelwhose previousradiationdose
history indicateathat their total accumulateddose to 1 January
1958 is equalto or in excess of the age--prorateddose (defined
as: 5 rem (presentage in years minus 18 years))will under no
conditions,be allowedto receivea total dose in excess of $
rem under the condition as describedin para 6 a. & b. above,
and providedhie total accumulateddosage does not or will not
exceed 50 rem on his 30th birthday.

9* Those individualsexposedto ionizingradiationin excess of the
value computedby para 6 a. above,will be informedthat appropriate
remarkswill be includedin their medicalrecords. Military
personnelin this categorywill be advisedthat they shtildnot
be exposedto further radiationuntil sufficienttime hae elapsed
in order to bring their averageradiationdose down to ().3
roentgensper week. Civilianpersonnelin thie categorywill
be informedthat limitationson further radiationexposurewill
be as determinedby the laboratoryor agencyhaving administrative
jurisdictionover such personnel.

10* All atoll land and lagoon areas in or near which a detonation
takes place will be consideredcontaminateduntil clearedfor
operationsby the Task Force Ccmmnder. Entryto and exit from
contaminatedareas will be via RadSafe check points only.


Contaminatedland and water areas will be delineatedas such.
Personnelenteringthese areaswill be eubjectto clearance
by the RadSafeCenter,TG 7.1, and will normallybe accompanied
by a RadSafeiionitor.RadSafeclothingand equipmentwill be
issued to the perzonnel.

12. Contaminatedland areas of intensitiesless than 10mr/hr (gonly) will be consideredunrestrictedfrom a RadSafestandpoint.
Areas coming within this limitationwill be designatedspecificallyby CJTF SJLEN grior to unrestrictedentry.
13. RadSafemonitorsassignedto individualsor groupsworkingin
contaminatedareas or within contaminatedequipmentduring
recoveryoperationswill act in an advisorycapacityto keep
the recoveryparty leader informedof radiationintensitiesat
all times. The recoveryparty leader %s expectedto accept
this advice and act accordingly. It is the responsibilityof
both the leader ard the members of the recoveryparty to adhere
to the limits establishedin these regulation.

IA. Fil.mbadges,dosimetersand protectiveclothing(coveralls,
bootiee,caps, glovee,dust respirators,etc.,) as deemed
necessarywill be issued to personnelenteringcontaminated
areas by appropriatetask group RadSafe supplysections.
15. All personnelwithinviewing distanceof an atomicde:-::’::.m
who are not suppliedwith protectivegoggleswill tm.r...,>-J
from the detonationpoint and close their eyes during >ficI.i.me
of burst. At least ten secondsshouldbe allowedbefore looking
directlyat the burst.

Select target paragraph3