Appendix1 to Annex K to JTF SEWN OUerationsPlan No. 1-58
c. The surfaceRADEX will be determinedby actual eurveywith
RadiationDetection,Indicationand Computation(RADIAC)
equipmentafter shot time. The most rapid methcd of
accomplishingsurfacesurveysin the early stagestill be
by aircraftand helicopterflightin and aroundthe surface
of contaminatedareas. From the radiationintensities
measuredat a known altitude,it Is poss~>ieto obtain an
estimateof radiationdoeage ratee which would be encountered
on the surfaceof the grwnd or water. Actualwater samples
frcnnthe lagoontill also be utilized. Ground surveywill
follow these guides to determinedefinitelythe contaminated
regioneand objects. Fornal ground eurveyof the shot
atoll, as feasible,will be accomplishedon H plus 24 hours.
Permissible@oeures (MPEIs)and Maxhum Permissible
3. The ~
Limits (MPL’s)as statedherein are applicableto a field
experimentaltest of nucleardevices in peacetimewherein
numbers of per$onnelengagedin these tests have been previoudy
expoeed or will be conttiuouslyexposedto potentialradiation
hazards. It may become necessaryfrom a study of personnel
recordsto reduce the MPE for certainindividualswho have
recentlybeen overexposed to radiation.
4. Due to the specialnature of field tests it is consideredthat a
policy of atfict adherenceto the radiologicalstandardsprescribed
for routinework is not realistic, The regulationsset forth
herein have been designatedas reasonableand safe compromise
consideringconservationof personnelexposures,the international
import of the test and the cost aepectsof operationaldelays
chargeableto excessiveradiologicalprecautions. In all cases
other than emergenciesor tacticalsituationsthe ulttite
criteriawill be limitedby the MPEIs for personnel. Special
instancesmay arige such as in the case of an air-searescue
within the RADEX in which operationswill be carriedout without
regardto the MPE!s ad MPLIs prescribedherein.
5. Task Force radiationdosage controlwill start on first shot
ready date minus fifteendays ami terminateupon departureof
individualsfrom the forward area, or on the last shot plus
fifteendays, whicheveroccurs first. All personnelwill be
consideredto have arrived at the EniwetokProvingGround by
first shot ready date minue 15 daye. Prior and subsequentto
this period, radiationdoaage controlwill be as prescribedby
cm 7.5.
6. MPE
a. MPE for personnelparticipatingin this operationiS 3.75
only) per consecutive13 week pericd,with
a maximum of 5.0 r for the Operation.
b. A epecialMPE of 10 roentgens(gammaonly) is authorizedfor
the operatioml period for crew members of ai~sampling aircraft.
(1) In event of operationalerror or emergencyan additional
dose of 10 roentgens(gamnaonly) will be accepted.
(2) Any dose in excess of this 20 roentgenstotal will be
consideredas an over-exposureand will be properly
accountedfor in writing by the Commanderof the unit,


Select target paragraph3