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Annex K to CJTF SEVEN OperationPlan 1-58
e. Provide decontaminationcrews for all aircraftat KIKINIAtoll.
f. Providenecessa~ helicopterair servicefor radiologicalsurveys
and post-shotrecoveryoperationsat BIKINI (monitorsfurnishedby
m 7.1).
F3* Collect lagoon water samples,when and as directed.

Protidewater spray equipmentaboard all vesselslikelyto be in
the fallout area.


Provideradiologicalaerial reconnaissanceservicein the vicinity
of the Task Force Fleet and Shot Atoll for a period of six hours
commencingat H-Hour.

j. Provide aircraftfor post-shotaerial radiologicalsurveyof the
NorthernMarshallIslands startingat approximatelyH plus six hours.
Reportswill be preparedin accordancewith paragraph7.h., below.
k. Provide for air-to-groundreportingof approdmate air radiation
intensitiesencounteredby all TG 7.3 aircraftoperatinebetween
and EKKINI from H-Hour to H plus 24 hours. It is not
contemplatedthat aircraftshould be scheduledfor this specific
L S*= Ch~q~ =&L
TG 7.L will:
7. The Ccfmnander,
a. Provideown radiologicalsafety monitors,includingone airborne
monitorfor each multi-engineaircraftcrew assignedto ‘fG7.4.
b. Provide for and supervisepersonneland aircraftdecontamination
on FRED Island.
c. Providenecessaryhelicopterand liaisonair servicefor radiological
surveysand post-shotrecoveryoperationsat ENIWETOKAtoll (monitors
furnishedby TG 7.1).
d. Provide cloud tractineaircraftfor past-shotradiologicalsafety
dataitUp to radius of 500 miles
in the Significant
quadrant for a period of 48 hours, startingat approximatelyH
plus six hours. Reportswill be preparedin accordancewith
paragraph7.h., below.
e. Providemonitoringservicesand crews for the removalof radioactive
samplesor data collectedbf aircraft.
f. Provide aircraftfor post-shotaerial radiologicalsurveyof the
NorthernMarshallIslands startingat approximatelyH plus six hours.
Reports till be preparedin accordancewith paragraph‘7.h.,below.
g. Provide for the reportingof radiationintensitiesencounteredat
outlyingweather stations.
h. Report approximateair radiationintensitiesencounteredon regularly
establishedweatherreconnaissanceor cloud trackingflights,and
from aircraftoperatingbetweenENIWIHOKand RHCINI from H-Hourto
H plus 24 hours. Reports will indicatethe approximateposition,
altitudeand order of magnitudeof radiationencountered.

Select target paragraph3