

Annex J to JTF SEVEN OperationPlan 1-58

CTG 7.4 will provide,man, train and administer:
a. The JTF SEVEN Weather Central. Forecastingpersonnelwill attend
a six-weekspecialtraining courseat JTF SEVEN Meteorological
Center,HAWAII,beginningabout first shot minus 90 days. Full.
scale operationswill be establishedby first shot minus 30 days.
Weather CentralCommanderwill be furnishedbyJTF SEVEN. Operational controlwill be retainedby CJTF SEVEN. The Weather Central
(1) Collection,plot, analysis,display and interpretation
of weather
informationcoveringthe PacificOcean area, with emphasison
the CentralPacific and ENI’)~OKProvingGround.
(2) Issue of severeweather advisoriesand typhoonwarnings.
(3) Maintaintechnicalcontrolof and coordinatethe land station
weather observingand aircraftweather reconnaissanceprogrsms.
b. The Weather ReconnaissanceSquadron(M3-50~. This squadronwill be
fully operationalby first shot minus 30 days. Operationalcontrol
will be retainedby C’fG7.4. WeatherReconnaissancerequirements

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(2) Three weathermissions daily of approximately12-hours
durationcommencingon each shot minus two days. TWO daytime and two night-timemissionswill be flown if deemed
practicaland necessaryby CJTF SEVEN.
(3) Post-shotradiologicalsafety surveysand cloudtracking
missions as directedby CJTF SEVEl~.
(4) Begiming on first shot minus 30 days, typhoon recomaissance
responsibilityin the area boundedby the Equator,latitude
25°N,the 180th Meridianand longitude157°30’E.
c. The ENIWETOKWeather ForecastingOffice and ObservimzStation.
This unit will be fully operationalby first shot minus 30 daya.
Operationalcontrolwill be retainedby C’fG7.4. This station
requirementsare to:

Plot, display and interpretweather informationas provided
by the JTF SEVEN Weather Central.

(2) Provideoperationalforecastsand such other weather services
as requiredin supportof air oprations from ENIWETOKand
BIKINI Atolls.
(3) Providehourly surfaceand four rawinsondeobservationsdaily.
When directedincreaseto twelve rawinsondeobservationsdaily.

Select target paragraph3