(6) Provide the UHF equipnentfor the voice time broadcast.
(7) ~;par:la ‘fG7.4 telephonedirectoryin accordancewith
r. Task Group 7.5 will:
(1) Operateand maintain telephonesystemsrequiredat
and BIKINI Atolls,except on FRED Island.
(2) Provide and maintainwire circuitsin the inter-island
and buoy cable systemsto meet timing,telemetering,
and communicationsrequirementsof the scientifictest
programs,and to meet operationaland administrative
communicationsrequirementsof other units of JTF SEVIN.
nter-atoll radiotelephoneand radio(3) Operateand nmintaini
(4) Operate and maintaincommunicationcentersservingTG 7.1
and TG 7.5 at ELMER Island,NAN Island,and TG 7.5 Headquartersship.
(5) Operate and maintainlandbasedradio link facilitiesproviding radio telephoneand radio teletypecommunications
major ships in the ENIWETOKand BIKINI Atoll areas, except
the eidebandcircuitto the commandship.
(6) Operate and maintainthe terminalequipnenton the ELMER
Island - Los A1.amosRATT circuit.
(7) Provide alternateZI relay facilitiesfrun Camncenter
Los Alamos,for fomard area Task Force trafficduring
(8) Operate and maintainTG 7.5 bat POO1 md air dispatcher
communicationsfacilitiesin the BIKINI and ENIWETOKAtolls.
(9) Provideand maintainTG 7.5 administrativeconstruction
and operationalradio networksat ENIWETOKand BIKINI
(lo) prepare a ‘fG7.5 telephonedirectoryin accordance~th
SCI 40-1, and distributea consolidatedatoll telephone

Operateand maintainmotion picture facilitiesat ENIWETOK
and BIKINI Atolls, exceptFRED Island.

(12) Operate and maintain AFRS TelevisionStation,ELMER Island.
(13) Installand maintain~EQDtacticaltype radio nets for TG 7.1.
6. L021STICS
a. Requisitionsfor communicationsequi.pentsand spare parts, both
normaland emergency,will be submittedin accordancewith the


Select target paragraph3