(2) Operateand maintain shipboardcommandand controlcommunicationsfacilitiesfor CJTF SEVEN and Staff, TG 7.1, TG 7.3,
TG 7.4 and TG 7.5.
(3) Be preparedto activatethe followingRATT circuitsin the
event of emergencyevacuationof ENIWETOKAtoll:
Ccmmand ship - Army PrimaryRelay Station (RUHP)
Camnandship - Major Relay StationKwajalein(RJHK)
Frequenciesrelinquishedby Major Relay StationENIWETOK
(RUHPJ)upon evacuationwill be used for the above circuits
byTG 7.3

Provide and operateshipboardweather communicationfacilities requiredon the Task Force commandship. Provide
facilitiesand operatorsfor (34net, weather destroyersto
Task Group 7.3 CommunicationStationParry Island.

(5) Provide communicationsand electronicsfacilitiesrequired
by ‘Ill
7.4 for aircraftcontrolpurposesin the AOC (afloat)
of the Task Force conmand ship.
(6) Provideand operatethe commcenterfor TG 7.3 liaisonofficer,
ELMEidIsland, and CTG 7.3 when ashore.
(7) Prepare a TG 7.3 telephonedirectoryin accordancewith
SCI @-l..
(6) Operate and maintainTG 7.3 Boat Pool communicationfacilities in the ENIWETOKand BIKINI Atolls.
(9) Providemaintenancepersonnelto Joint TransmitterStation,
and crypto persomel to HeadquartersJTF SEVEN crypto center.
circuitsat BIKINI
(lo) Operate local ship-shore(HarborConrnon)
(NAN Island) and ENIWKTOK (ELMERIsland) Atolls.
e. Task Group 7.4 till:
(1) Operateand maintaininternaltask group communicationsto
include we.lther,
aircraftmovement,air-ground,air navigationalaids, and commcenter(less code roan) servingas
a tributaryof Joint Relay Center,~~~~TOK.
(2) Operateand maintain ccmnunicationsfacilitiesfor AOG on
FRED Island, and provide operatingpersonnel,as required~
for operationof the AOC on board the USS BOXER.
(3) Operate and maintain jointlywith TG 7.2, the ENIWETOK
Joint TransmitterStation,Joint ReceiverStation,Joint
Relay/CryptoCenter, and Joint FacilitiesControlCenter.
(4) Operateand maintainair-ground,aircraftmovement,and
navigationalcommunicationsfacilitiesrequiredfor the
airfieldlocated on NAN Island, BIKINI Atoll.
(5) Provide, operate and maintain the communicationsand crypto
facilitiesto supportthe weather/radsafeprogramat the

Select target paragraph3