.- -,--


b. Task Group 7.1 will:

‘rovide,operate,and maintainspecialccxmnunications-elec:ronicsequipmentrequire
d for conductof scientifictegt


[nitiatethe voice time broadcastfor all elenentsof the
~ask force.


Coordinatespecial communicationsrequirementsoriginated
>Y subordinatetask units.

(J’+)?reparea TO 7.1 telephonedirectoryin accordancewith
5CI /.+0-1.
c. Task >roup 7.2 will:
(1) Sperateand maintain,jointlywith TG 7.4 the cmmnications
%nd electronicsequipmentsnecessaryfor the proper operation
of the followingfacilities:
(2) Providepersonnelto operateand maintainthe communication
centerfor HeadquartersJTF SEVEN.
maintainthe communicationcenterfor Head(3) Ooerateand
.quartersTG 7.2.
(4) Provide cryptoguard facilitiesfor all Task Force elements
locatedwithin the ENIWETOKAtoll area, except for traffic
receivedby TG 7.5 over the Parry - Los Alamos circuit,and
for CTG 7.3 afloat.
(5) Operateand maintain fixedmotion picturefacilitieson FRED
(6) Furnishmaintenancefor AFRS radio stationand SpecialService radio receiverson FRED Island.
(7) Establishfacilitiesfor daily interceptand retransmission
of press broadcastto Headquarters,JTF SEVEN,ILKER Island(8) Prepare a TG 7.2 telephonedirectoryin accordancewith
SCI 40-1.
(9) Operateand maintain centraloffice and outsidetelephone
plant facilitieson FRED Island.
(lo) Provide,operateand maintainTG 7.2 Administrative
(l\) Sac Ch&ny*l
d. Task Group 7.3 WI1l:
(1) Provide internaltask group communicationsto includefacilities for transmissionof contactand amplifyingreports,
trafficof an administrativenature betweencm 7.3, the Nav
commandsand with naval operatingforcesnot directlyconcernedwith HARDTACK.

Select target paragraph3