Joint Task Force SEVEN
Washington25, D. C.
1 October 1957
Annex C to JTF SEVEN OperationPlan No. 1-58


a. Summaryof Enemy Capabilities. A hostilenation is capableof
obtaininginformationfrom, or interferingwith, the operations
of the joint task force by the followingactions:
(1) Collectionof informationdisclosedby personnelof the joint
task force through failureto observesecurityprecautions.
(2) Espionageby penetrationof subversivepersonnelinto the task
force, or as a resultof defectionof ~rsonnel withinthe
task force.
(3) SabotaEeaccomplishedby penetrationof personnelinto the
task force or by defectionof personnelwithinthe task force.
(4) Submarinereconnaissance.
(5) Ground reconnaissanceor sabota~ by landtigpartiesfrom
(6) Air or surfaceship reconnaissance.
(7) Attack by any combinationof militaryforces.

Conclusions. Under conditionsexistingtoday, it is considered
that the jointtask force is most vulnerableto capabilities(1),
that capability
(2) and (3). It is consideredvery improbatile
(4) will be exploited,since very little informationof value
could be obtainedby this means. Capabilities(5) and (6) involve
varyingdegrees of overt action,and would”ako be affectedby
variationsin the shot schedule;consequentlY~their employmentis
considereda remotepossibility. It is consideredthat capability
(7) wouldbe exercisedonly in the event of open hostilitiesbetween the United States and a hostile power.

a. General. The ENIWEI!OK-BIKINI
closedareas, EniwetokProving
Ground @PG),are the securityresponsibilityof the Commanderin-ChiefPacific (cINCpAC). The EPG is closedto all personnel
except those whose officialduties requirethan to be present.
The travel of authorizedpersonnel,ships,and aircraftinto the
EPG is to be conductedin accordancewith the provisionsof
CINCPACLetter ‘FF-l,A16-1, Serial020, datedl April 1952. The
Commander,JTF SEVEN,will be responsiblefor securityof the EPG
during the operationalperiod, as authorizedby CINCPAC,and has
overall responsibilityfor the securityindoctrinationof personnel
of the jointtask force.
b. References. Securityregulationsissued by the Departmentsof the
Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, the Atomic Energy Commissionand
the Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN are listedbelow for ready
OPNAV Instruction551O.I.A
Army Regulation38CL5
Air Force Re@ation 205-1
Volume 2000,
AEC GM SecurityBulletinsand AEC Manual.,
(Security) -

Select target paragraph3