b, Prepare for and conductin associationwith the above testsp
experimentalmeasurementsnecessaryfor the successfulcompletion
of the tests as approvedby the LKIDor the AEC.
c. Prepare for and conduct,in associationwith the above tests, such
weapons effectsprogramsas may be approvedby the COD or the AEC.
d. Maintainthe EPG as a “closedarea!!within the capabilityof forces
e. Assume responsibilityfor safety of populatedislandsrelativeto
hazardsintroducedby the operation.
a. Pursuantto missionsassigned(seeparagraph2 above),the Comnander~
Joint Task Force SEVEN,will:
(1) Exercisedirectionof planningand coordinationof all forces
assignedor to be made availableby the militarydepartment
to him for participationin OperationHARDTACK.
(2) Integrateinto the Task Force and exerciseoperationalcontrol of the forces assignedor otherwisemade availableby
the military departmentsto him at a time mutuallyagreed
upon between CJTF SEVEN and the Chiefs of the Servicesconcerned.
(3) Integrateinto the Task Force and assume operationalcontrol
at a time mutuallyagreeableto him and the AtomicEnergy
of persomel and facilitiesassignedto him or
otherwisemade availableby the AEC for participationin
(4) Aseure that provisionis made for the continuingdischarge
of the administrativeresponsibilities
of the Manager>
AlbuquerqueOperationsOffice;the Manager9San Francisco
OperationsOffice; and the Manager,EniwetokBranch Office
with respectto the pereomel and facilitiesof the Commission and its contractors.
(5) Communicatedirectlywith the AEC and its agencies;Chief of
Staff, U. S. Army; Chief of Naval Operations;Chief of Staff,
U. S. Air Force; commandersof unifiedor specifiedcommands
under the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Chief,Armed Forces
SpecialWeaponsProject;and other agenciesassociatedwith
the planningfor and executionof the JointTask Force SEVEN
mission for OperationHARDTACK.
(6) Assure that the test programsof the Departmentof Defense
and of participatingagenciesof the AtomicEner~ Commission are integratedinto an operationalplan. This will be
accomplishedprimarily throughclose coordinationof all
agenciesconcernedprior to the beginningof the operational
(7) Advise CINCPAC, as the commanderof the unifiedcommandunder
the JCS9 of task force requirementsconcerningmovementcontrol,
logisticalsupportand security,as well as of the special
hazardsinvolvedin the test operationsand the precautionsand
emergencymeasuresto be observedduringthese operations.
b. Organization. In consonancewith agreementsbetweenthe Atomic
Energy Commissionand the Departmentof Defensepand with the concurrenceof the heads of the major participatingagencies~the organizationof Joint Tack Force SEVEN for OperationHARDTACKis as shown
in Annex A.

Select target paragraph3